Sunday, December 19, 2010

Natural Fat Burning Foods

Natural Fat Burning Foods

By eating natural fat burning foods you are giving your body a healthy injection of foods free of chemicals and toxins. Fat burning foods are those food items, generally natural plant foods, which burn more fat than the amount of calories they contain. Their positive effect is due to the fact that they contain cellulose, which is low in calories, but burns a lot of fats, while the organism digests it. Fat burning foods are readily available and are easily affordable.

A large percentage of all the weight loss exercises burn some fat, but for the most part you are losing more sugar and water weight. Exercise will help you to burn some fat and build muscle, but you won't lose or burn fat unless you have a combination of diet and exercise.

For most people who are overweight, especially if you're obese, doing all the normal weight loss exercises like running, swimming, playing sports, using all the fancy exercise equipment in gyms, weight lifting etc., are practically useless for getting rid of fat.

The first thing you should do is become knowledgeable on the foods that you eat and understand what good foods are and what is considered bad foods. Bad foods are foods that are high in saturated fats and sugars, and will do your body not much good at all. Foods that fall into this category are deep fried foods, candy, full fat ice cream, donuts, fast food burgers and fries, full sugar soda drinks, chocolate bars, you get the idea ok. Start to read the labels for the amount of fat in foods; you should aim at lower fat foods when you shop.

The good foods that you should be eating are fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, low fat dairy and whole grain carbohydrates.

Most of these exercises are very hard to do, require a lot of work, and a lot of sweating, for very little results. Natural fat burning foods do two things. They help you burn fat, but they also help curb your hunger pains. The trick is to eat small portion meals throughout the day. You should eat fat burning foods in between your 3-4 normal meals to curb hunger and aid in fat loss.

Foods like apples, berries, cabbage, and broccoli are great snacks throughout the day and they provide an excellent source of vitamin C.

Lean meats are high in protein and also aid in weight loss while at the same time helping to build muscle. If you are exercising and eating lean meat in your meals you will build muscle. The reason muscle is so effective in aiding weight loss is because muscle burns fat even while resting.
Chicken meats are the best but can be expensive. Opt for turkey second.

Proper exercise is an essential ingredient in any natural weight-loss program, because there is no way that the weight loss will be permanent without exercise.

Foods like fish, lean meats, wholegrain rice, pasta and breads should be mixed within your daily diet plan. Low fat cheese, yogurt, and milk should also be included in your plan.

Organic foods are always better for you than standard foods, it means there are no nasty chemicals in the foods and if you can afford it I really encourage you to buy organic products, have a look next time you go to the supermarket.

Eat plenty of fruit each day, say 3 to 6 pieces of fruit each day. I know it's a pain, but your body, your digestive system and your bowels will thank you for it. Have an apple, orange, a cup of tinned fruit salad (in natural juice), a banana, you get the idea.

Have snacks during the day. It's been proven that this increases your metabolism to burn calories faster. Have a morning snack of say an apple and some low fat crackers, a cup of low fat yogurt. In the afternoon have some low fat dip with some low fat wholegrain biscuits.

These are just a few natural fat burning foods ideas, and I hope they help you with your quest to burn fat and lose weight.

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